Who we are and our history
Who we are is who I am. My name is Thayane, I`m married to Raphael and we currently live in New Zealand. I have bachelor degree in Business Administration and I`m completely passionate for handcrafts. Have been developing my skills at handmade items my entire life at different rhythms and periods of time as I have people from my family very talented at it as well who taught me some techniques.
I like to say everything began in 2010 when I was studying back in Brazil and a very good friend of mine, Fernanda, invited me to her place for coffee and chat and also offered to show me how to make fabric roses – so I could have a new hobby.
I loved those roses and started making many more of them as gifts to my family and friends. However, I was a super busy lady working, studying at Uni plus languages, coordinating a youth group at the church and more so I did not have a chance to make it a business back then. In 2011 I then met Raphael, my husband.
We moved to New Zealand in February 2016 and few months later I decided it was time to get back into my lovely hobby. One day shopping some flats of fabric and other materials and I started it all over again. How passionate I am about it! It makes me really happy!
When I had about 5 jars of fabric roses I looked at them and thought “I really could be selling them on the market”. Later on I also introduced some other handmade products which made my shop even wider. But internet now opens up an incredible door to the entire world and I am very excited to take this opportunity.
I`ve since specialised myself at felt and fabric handmade items for special occasions such as nursery decor, felt dolls for birthday party decor, felt flowers, birthday gifts and more. My aim is to turn peoples` dreams into reality through lovely good quality handmade items that are not only beautiful but also useful and a forever memory of such special occasion.
So browse around, get to know what I do. Remember I also love customising things so if you have an idea, let`s chat! I would be very happy to be part of your history as well as having you as part of mine. And don`t forget, follow Emamory and stay tuned on our news and promotions!
Now, I think you might be curious to know the origin of our name so check it out
With love,
Thayane Colsani